• 16 AUG 18


    At NHS Dentist Earls Court we recognised from the outset that patients are rightly concerned about what goes on “behind the scenes”.

    Every patient has to be confident when they walk into NHS Dentist Earls Court that the surgery and instruments are spotless. We have always taken great pride in training our staff from their induction and continuously throughout their career with us.

    Our dentists and head-nurse are active in researching and implementing the newest solutions for cleaning our instruments, machine optimisation, maintenance of machinery and dental technology wherever possible.

    The process at NHS Dentist Earls Court is not complicated but very precise

    Every instrument that goes into your mouth will have been through a cleaning process and then an autoclave to sterilise it. It will then be pouched and kept sealed until it is opened in front of you when you are in the surgery. Records of exactly which machine your instruments went through are kept for up to 25 years so we can trace their progress through the cleaning process.
