New patient registration

When you call NHS Dentist, we will ask you for your name, mobile number, e-mail address and date of birth. We will give you a time and date for your first appointment and we will ask that you come 5-10 minutes early to complete the medical questionnaire digitally at the front desk.

At NHS Dentist Earls Court we try to send an SMS, email or BT phone messages to patients two days before their appointments to remind them. However, sometimes network providers delay SMS messages, so you need to make a note of your appointment date and time.

Please give us 24 hours notice (for a Monday appointment, please call by lunchtime on Friday before) to cancel or postpone an appointment. If you are ill in the morning on the day of your appointment, please leave a message on the answering machine before 8am.

IMPORTANT! – Inform the receptionist that you have arrived for your appointment.

If you have difficulty with English our staff will do their best to help you. However if you need translation, you should bring someone with you who can translate for you and help you complete the medical questionnaire. We cannot treat you if we are not entirely satisfied that you understand the questions we ask you and if we feel you cannot give us informed consent.

Children up to the age of 16 must be accompanied by their parent or guardian.

On your first visit to NHS Dentist, you will be asked to complete a confidential medical questionnaire for the dentist.  The dentist will talk you through the medical information you have provided ensuring that anything of relevance is noted in our files.

All this information is held and processed under the Data Protection Act 1998 and is held under strict confidentiality rules. We will provide you with an information sheet about NHS Dentist.

You will be taken to the surgery by the dentist or his/her nurse. You may take a friend with you, Parents are most welcome to accompany children and there is a chair for them in each surgery.

Your dentist will discuss any relevant medical conditions with you before treatment. A full dental check up will take place and you will be welcome to ask any questions of the dentist.

You are likely to have x-rays done during this initial visit. The price for this visit will be unknown until we examine you. But it will fall into one of the 3 cost bands – see list of NHS price below. At the same time, you will be asked to sign the NHS form which asks whether you pay the NHS charges for your treatment or if you are accepting a benefit which entitles you to free treatment. Any proof of benefit you have brought with you should be shown to the dentist in the surgery.

You will then be asked to take your medical questionnaire back to reception to make a further appointment, if necessary, and to sign a form for the Department of Health.

(Please note that from 1st April 2006, the Government made NHS dentistry cash limited so we can only provide treatment if we have “units of dental activity” available from the targets set for us by the Government).

You will be given a printed estimate/treatment plan and an appointment card. Your appointment will be with the dentist who did your check up.

You will be asked to pay in full for the band of treatment that applies to you. Should your treatment not be completed for any reason e.g. you might be ill and unable to attend, you will only pay for the work that has been done in any of the bands and we will refund the money to you.

Please note that once you make an appointment to have treatment after receiving your treatment plan, NHS Dentist will consider that you have given us informed consent to treat and charge you.

When you call NHS Dentist Earls Court reception to make your appointment, tell them you are disabled and we will ensure you are seen i.n a clinic with easy access.

If you have a long-term illness that means you can wake up feeling unwell, let us know and as long as you make your appointments for after 3pm, we will allow you to cancel your appointment on the morning of the appointment by 9am.

NHS Dentist Earls Court  has chosen to be an entirely NHS dental practice. By this we mean, that we do not register private patients on principle. All clinically necessary treatment available on the NHS will be offered to our patients.

The Government increases prices annually. A written estimate and treatment plan will be provided before treatment commences (at your initial consultation) however treatment plans may change.

All prices from

NHS Dental price list

Diagnosis, treatment planning And maintenance Clinical examination, radiography, scale Clinical assessment, radiographs, scale (if clinically necessary only) by dentist, preventive work: e.g. oral health assessment, study models, denture eases.

TreatmentSimple treatment e.g. fillings including root canal therapy, extractions, surgical procedures and denture additions, periodontal treatment (hygienist).

Provision of appliances Complex treatment that includes a laboratory element: e.g. bridgework, crowns and dentures, excludes mouth guards for sport & cosmetic veneers.

Urgent treatment – emergencies only! – Assessment, radiographs (x-ray), dressings.

DEFINITION: If in the opinion of the dentist prompt treatment is necessary because the patient’s oral health is likely to deteriorate significantly or they are in severe pain by reason of that oral condition, the dentist may provide treatment that is necessary to prevent the deterioration of the condition or to address the severe pain.

  • Use our first time registration & booking service!

    If you want to register with NHS Dentist Earls Court you can
    do so online and at the same time make an appointment here!